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How to integrate SSO with Azure AD

1 min read

To enable Azure Single Sign On (SSO) on the Cloud8 Platform using Active Directory (AD), the user must send us an XML file and 3 URLs, generated directly in the Azure interface.

The steps to generate and configure these assets are as follows:

  1. Access the Azure Portal
  2. Clique em AzureActiveDirectory
  3. After that, click on Enterprise Applications
  4. Then click on New Application and choose Non gallery application
  5. Choose a name for the application (app)
  6. In this App, click on Configure single sign on (required) and choose SAML
  7. On the screen below, find the Federated Metadata XML option and click Download
  • 8. You will also need to copy each of the URLs from the screen below into the email below.
  • 9. Click on Basic SAML Configuration and fill in the following data:
    • Identifier:
    • Assertion URL:
    • (Replace YOURAPPNAME with the name you choose)

Requesting SSO activation on the Cloud8 Platform #

Create a new email message to with the subject “ Enable Azure SSO ” and provide the following data:

  • The name of the app chosen in YOURAPPNAME ( step 9 )
  • The 3 URLs listed in the previous image ( step 8 ), identifying each of them
  • Attach the XML file downloaded in step 7 above

Don’t forget to identify your Cloud8 account which must be configured with Azure SSO, if you have more than one account.