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Cloud8 created a series of alerts that help managers and developers understand what is happening with their Cloud infrastructure. Check out:

  • Costs : Configure up to 3 alerts per provider. Define the values ​​you want to be informed of as soon as you exceed the threshold. Don’t have surprises at the end of the month;
  • Availability : we will notify you if an event occurs in your Cloud infrastructure:
    – failure in any of the servers that host your virtual machine;
    – failure in the network communication between your server and the infrastructure (e.g. there was a kernel crash within your server that took down the network or some application behaved badly and caused problems on the network);
    – failure in your disk infrastructure that could corrupt your data;
    – failure in the infrastructure of your disks that degrades data reading/writing performance (only in the case of disks with provisioned IOPS);
    We will also let you know when everything returns to normal.
  • Synchronization : Cloud8 is constantly monitoring the structure of your Cloud infrastructure. Get notified as soon as a new server is created or when a server is destroyed via the Amazon console or another external source using the APIs.

How can I benefit from these alerts? #

See how some of our customers are using these alerts:

  • The case of costs is the most immediate. The ideal is to define alerts that are triggered throughout the month and are already expected. For example: 50, 100 and 150 dollars. We would expect the 50 and 100 alerts to be triggered by the third week and that the 150 alert is never triggered – if it fires there could be some resources being consumed unnecessarily!
  • The availability notice is unanimous and must always be on. If there is an infrastructure event that impacts your website/application, we will forward Amazon notice immediately.
  • Synchronization is being used for the purpose of monitoring costs. If a new server goes live, it means we increase the cost. This alert is particularly useful for managers who have a team of developers who are creating and destroying servers all the time;
  • Synchronization can be used for those who use SPOT type servers (temporary servers created from bids in a reverse auction). When the server is created, you receive the alert and when it is destroyed, too.

Need more alerts? Contact us.