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How to create a cloud server

2 min read

To create a new cloud server, follow the steps below:

  1. Select your Cloud tab or click on “Servers” in the left menu
  2. Open the “Servers” menu in the central area and click on “New”
  3. A screen with a creation tutorial will open. You will be able to choose which provider you want to create (if you have more than one provider registered) and the image you can use within the library of public and private images you have.
  4. Click “Next”
  • In this step you will choose:
  • Elastic IP: we always suggest using an elastic IP. This IP will be linked to the server, regardless of whether it is stopped or up. If you choose not to use an elastic IP, each time the server is stopped and started, a new IP will be assigned.
  • Access Key: Choose the cryptographic key to connect to the server. By default, Cloud8 will create a key for you in your preferred data center. But you can create new keys at any time and determine whether you want this key stored in the panel for quick access to the server or save it locally on your computer.
  • Security Group: Choose your server’s network configuration. It’s like firewall rules – which services will be accessible via the internet or to certain IPs. Cloud8 has some pre-configured groups to help you. If you need to customize any rules in the future, simply modify the security group.
  • Server type: choose size. The table lists the available types and you can simulate how much it will cost per hour, daily, monthly or annually. We still have the option of using optimized I/O – a faster and more predictable way of accessing the disk than conventional.

5. Finally, the summary of your choices will be displayed and when you click on “Create”, the server will be created and placed online.

Just click on “Access the server” and follow its creation until it is ready for access!
