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Difference between RI Applied vs RI in Cloud8 Panel

1 min read

When accessing the details of our Cost Report, you will notice that there are two different values ​​with similar nomenclature: Virtual Machines RI and Virtual Machines RI Applied . This is a Cloud8 configuration. In this case, we have enabled the allocation of the effective cost of reserved instances .

By default Azure brings these 2 separate lines:

Difference between RI Applied vs RI in Cloud8 Panel
  • Purchased RI (Microsoft.Capacity) – total cost of RI
  • Instance, Volume, Component that used the RI – zero cost

Due to this default Azure configuration, it is not possible to know the actual cost of the component and if it has tags , the apportionment of these tags is incomplete. Also, the purchase of the  RI  is allocated to the subscription that purchased it (or tenancy ), distorting the real cost.

When performing the effective cost allocation we do, the analysis of the real cost per component and the apportionment of tags are corrected . We also spread the real cost across the subscriptions that were actually purchased. In addition, it is possible to determine whether an RI was well used or not (if there is a surplus, for example, it is a sign that the RI could be better used -> See: Reports menu -> Savings ).

NOTE : You can always view the original invoice by selecting “ Invoice ” from the Analytics menu .