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Managers on Cloud8 – Resource management on AWS, Azure and GCP

1 min read

There are some tasks that are more complicated to manage and some others are tedious and therefore prone to error. We create resource management tools in AWS, Azure and GCP that will make your daily life easier:

  • Access key management : sometimes it is not ideal to leave the servers’ private keys stored on your computer. You can delete them or they may be accessed inappropriately. The panel has a feature that can store these keys and protect them using a password, allowing you to safely access the servers from anywhere and no longer worry about losing them;
  • Advanced and Basic DNS Management : If you have many domains, DNS manager is made for you. You can “clone” entries between different zones and also have a simplified step-by-step guide that reduces complexity. Want to point to GMail? Just say that the email is in GMail, and Cloud8 will configure your DNS;
  • Firewall rule management : the same principle of improving the management of many domains/DNS applies to the management of network access blocking rules. A tool with preconfigured rules and the ability to ‘clone’ configurations is available.

Do you need another manager? Get in touch and we will try to understand your needs.