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FinOps: Cost Anomaly Reports and Charts

1 min read

This tutorial will guide you through setting up a cost anomaly detection rule on your Cloud8 platform. With this functionality, you can automatically identify significant deviations in spending, avoiding financial surprises and maintaining control over your budget. In addition to creating a custom rule, you will learn how to access the generated reports and graphs, which provide a detailed view of usage and costs across your entire infrastructure.

Step by step video #

Create a rule for cost anomaly detection #

  • Click on FinOps – Anomalies in the top menu
  • Click Rules to list existing rules.
  • To create a new rule, click the “+ New” button
  • Configure your new rule to create the criteria by which costs are identified as anomalies. Remember to add a name that correctly identifies this rule.
  • Add the context of your rule, which can be about the total value or per Product contracted
  • Set a value for deviations from the average cost, percentage and absolute
  • Specify when you would like this deviation to be checked: daily , weekly , or monthly estimate . You can choose to ignore weekends from the check.
  • By checking “Run Now”, this rule will be executed immediately, the first time
  • Click to Save and that’s it! Rule created and configured. In a few minutes the result will be available for consultation.

Cost Anomaly Reports and Graphs #

  • To check the result of the detected anomalies, click again on the top menu, FinOps – Anomalies
  • Find the results you want to view in the list displayed. You can group by Provider, Rule, etc., in the filters in the top menu
  • Click on the chart icon in the first column next to the title to view the chosen report.
  • In the right column of the new screen, you can filter the results by different criteria. By hovering over the graph area, you can view the values ​​in detail.
  • Details can also be displayed in table form by clicking on the Details tab at the top of the chart screen. You can select from 1 to 5 levels of visualization and also sort the results by clicking on the column title used as the basis.
  • By clicking on the Top 10 Anomalies tab, you will see the 10 biggest offenders in this report, and you can also define a minimum deviation value for viewing.