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Creating a New Account on Amazon Cloud (AWS)

2 min read

To use Cloud8 and expand your cloud capabilities on Amazon, you obviously need an Amazon account :). If you don’t have one yet, follow the steps below to sign up.

If this is your first account, Amazon will give you what they call the “Free Tier“, which provides free usage for one year. You can see the resources you would be entitled to.

  • If you don’t have an Amazon account, you need to create a new one. If you’ve already purchased something on Amazon, like a book, a Kindle, etc., you can use the same account.
  • For a new account, enter your email in “My e-mail address is” and click “I am a new user.”
  • Click “Sign in using our secure server.”
  • Next, you’ll be asked for your full name, email confirmation, and desired password.
  • Click “Continue” to proceed.

Accept the terms of service and click “Create Account and Continue.” Now you need to enter your credit card number. This step is mandatory. If you don’t provide the card, Amazon won’t activate the service.

  • Click “Continue.” Then, a phone verification is required. It can be a landline or a mobile number. Amazon will call you and ask you to enter a code.
  • Click “Call me Now.”

Upon receiving the call, wait for it to finish and then enter the 4 digits slowly. If something goes wrong, you can try again and change the phone number. Amazon allows up to 3 attempts. If all 3 fail, you need to wait 12 hours to try again.

If everything goes well, you’ll see the following screen:

And you’ll be redirected to the success page:

In a few minutes or hours, you should receive a confirmation email with the subject: “AWS Unified Registration Sign-Up Confirmation,” and you’ll be ready to use Amazon Cloud!

To log into your Amazon account, access this link.

With your Amazon account activated, proceed with associating it with Cloud8 to enjoy the benefits of our tool!